libnetng : tosay's version :)
Frédéric Raynal
2004-08-17 18:30:12 UTC

Today"s release :


In that directory, you will find ng-last.tbz2 which will be a daily
update until the end of the week.

Today's changelog:
- builders : 802.2, 802.3, stp (all by David Barroso), mpls, 802.1x,
igmp, some icmp (echo, timestamp, netmask)
- new examples

BTW, Id like to add examples using libpcap for instance. Is there a
autoconf/automake guru who could help ? I need the test to be added to
the configure.in (easy to find everywhere, not a problem), but I'd
like to put conditional compilation in the sample/Makefile.am

For instance, there is a file tests/replay.c which reads a pcap file,
and send frame to the network. I'd like it to be compiled only if
libpcap is installed.

Once again, many thanks to David Barroso for the patch and the
feedback !

Fred Raynal
2004-09-12 18:09:58 UTC
Post by Frédéric Raynal
BTW, Id like to add examples using libpcap for instance. Is there a
autoconf/automake guru who could help ? I need the test to be added to
the configure.in (easy to find everywhere, not a problem), but I'd
like to put conditional compilation in the sample/Makefile.am
For instance, there is a file tests/replay.c which reads a pcap file,
and send frame to the network. I'd like it to be compiled only if
libpcap is installed.
I think i can do it, let me know.
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