Who uses libnet, and for what?
Mike Schiffman
2004-02-16 07:11:29 UTC
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...

Mike Schiffman, CISSP
Doveryay No Proveryay
Alberto Ornaghi
2004-02-16 08:33:21 UTC
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
project: ettercap NG (0.7.0)

it is not yet released, but will use libnet 1.1.2.
the current version (0.6.x) does not use libnet.

--==> ALoR <==---------------------- - - -

There are only 10 types of people in this world...
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Alfredo Andres Omella
2004-02-16 17:43:36 UTC
Hi all,
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
i was using libnet years ago within SING
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/sing) but only for MAC spoofing support,
nowdays i'm involved in layer 2 attacks (among other boring things at work).

In both cases libnet open up the architecture portability (that's the

Anyway i'm waiting for 1.1.2 so Mike, "fasten your seat belts" ;)

Roberto Larcher
2004-02-18 11:09:56 UTC
I use Libnet:

* to develop small security-related applications (both with or without
* to port from *nix to windows small security-related applications (dsniff,
for example)

But if you had asked "why" you use Libnet I would have answered that I use
libnet because I think it's elegant ;)

Roberto Larcher
David Maynor
2004-02-16 09:37:38 UTC
Throwing together quick fuzzers.
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
Mike Schiffman, CISSP
Doveryay No Proveryay
David Maynor
System Support Spec III
OIT Information Security Directorate
Georgia Institute of Technology
Information Security Web Site: http://www.security.gatech.edu
Computer Network Usage Policy: http://www.security.gatech.edu/policy/usage
Security Incident Reports: http://www.security.gatech.edu/webrequest
Enrico Zini
2004-02-16 18:16:58 UTC
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
I do!

I use libnet in guessnet. The purpose of guessnet is to try some more
tricks to properly configure the network when DCHP isn't around.

libnet is used to create ARP probes to look for known machines in the
local network. I intend to use libnet1 (when it will work on
unconfigured interfaces) to also send DHCP probes.

I've also started an experimental tool, part of guessnet, that tries to
infer a suitable network configuration by looking at sniffed packets.
That tool uses libnet to send out ARP packets to see which addresses are
local and which are not. I'll shortly be looking for people submitting
ideas (and possibly working code) to it.

I only use packet construction and link-layer injection. I then use
libpcap to pickup network traffic.

I have threads that build a probe once, and then send it out at regular
intervals. It's very handy for me to build a packet, save it on a
buffer and toss that buffer into the network as many times as needed.

I'm having problems doing it with libnet1, as I can't find out a proper,
documented way to deallocate the result of libnet_adv_cull_packet.

I really love being able to use libnet, so that I don't have to worry
too much about system-specific issues of packet-injection, nor about the
error-prone bit-mangling of packet creation. I was really looking
forward to have DHCP packet construction around, and I've been happy
when I saw it in libnet1.

I'm not pestering you to release a fixed libnet1 only because I have
submission deadline for my graduation thesis on march, 10. After march,
25, expect more news from me :-)



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <***@debian.org>
Mike Schiffman
2004-02-16 18:55:41 UTC
Hey Enrico, is there a URL for this project? Also, good catch on the
memory leak in the advanced interface. I just added:

libnet_adv_free_packet(libnet_t *l, u_int8_t *packet)
* Restore original pointer address so free won't complain about a
* modified chunk pointer.
if (l->aligner > 0)
packet = packet - l->aligner;

The reason I did this rather than adding the call to free() inside of
libnet_adv_write_link() is flexibility. What if you wanted to use the
libnet advanced interface to write a packet you built yourself? If the
memory wasn't heap-based, you'd choke when trying to free it.
Post by Enrico Zini
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
I do!
I use libnet in guessnet. The purpose of guessnet is to try some more
tricks to properly configure the network when DCHP isn't around.
libnet is used to create ARP probes to look for known machines in the
local network. I intend to use libnet1 (when it will work on
unconfigured interfaces) to also send DHCP probes.
I've also started an experimental tool, part of guessnet, that tries to
infer a suitable network configuration by looking at sniffed packets.
That tool uses libnet to send out ARP packets to see which addresses are
local and which are not. I'll shortly be looking for people submitting
ideas (and possibly working code) to it.
I only use packet construction and link-layer injection. I then use
libpcap to pickup network traffic.
I have threads that build a probe once, and then send it out at regular
intervals. It's very handy for me to build a packet, save it on a
buffer and toss that buffer into the network as many times as needed.
I'm having problems doing it with libnet1, as I can't find out a proper,
documented way to deallocate the result of libnet_adv_cull_packet.
I really love being able to use libnet, so that I don't have to worry
too much about system-specific issues of packet-injection, nor about the
error-prone bit-mangling of packet creation. I was really looking
forward to have DHCP packet construction around, and I've been happy
when I saw it in libnet1.
I'm not pestering you to release a fixed libnet1 only because I have
submission deadline for my graduation thesis on march, 10. After march,
25, expect more news from me :-)
Mike Schiffman, CISSP
Doveryay No Proveryay
Enrico Zini
2004-02-16 19:04:08 UTC
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey Enrico, is there a URL for this project? Also, good catch on the
libnet_adv_free_packet(libnet_t *l, u_int8_t *packet)
Post by Mike Schiffman
The reason I did this rather than adding the call to free() inside of
libnet_adv_write_link() is flexibility. What if you wanted to use the
libnet advanced interface to write a packet you built yourself? If the
memory wasn't heap-based, you'd choke when trying to free it.
That's wonderful! That also means you can send packets many times and a
lot of other nice things.

Thanks a lot!

Michael Neufeld
2004-02-16 19:02:30 UTC
We're using an older version in a network simulation/deployment tool
called nsclick:


-Michael Neufeld
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
Mike Schiffman, CISSP
Doveryay No Proveryay
2004-02-17 00:15:57 UTC
Still working on an eigrp header and a possible bgp buster when time is

Aaron Turner
2004-02-16 17:28:18 UTC
Tcpreplay. Mostly for portable layer2 packet injection, but I also make
heavy use of libnet's TCP/IP/ethernet etc data structures and "internal"
functions for calculating checksums.

I also use libnet as part of my toolkit for writing quick, simple tools
at work for security testing purposes.
Aaron Turner <aturner at pobox.com|synfin.net> http://synfin.net/
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin
All emails are PGP signed; a lack of a signature indicates a forgery.
Ste Jones
2004-02-16 20:53:33 UTC
this is what i have been upto with libnet - The Gobbler - dhcp auditor
+ exploiter (man in the middle and IP exhaustion), spoofed host creation
(via arp replies and/or dhcp), portscan from spoofed host (works on an
interface with no assigned IP... or will do when 1.1.2 is released :P ),
OS detection (nmap, port 0, dhcp) and basic banner grabbing, arp scanner,
traceroute and ping from spoofed host, and finaly extreamly basic web
browsing from spoofed host.... all thanks to the joys of libnet ;) ;)

the version on http://networkpenetraion.com is borked atm... awaiting
1.1.2 :P

keep up the good work

Ste Jones
Network Penetration
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
Mike Schiffman, CISSP
Doveryay No Proveryay
2004-02-17 09:41:05 UTC
Post by Mike Schiffman
I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
Libnet is used in netwib/netwox for :
- Ethernet/MAC spoofing
- IP/raw spoofing
None of the packet creation functions are used. Libnet was
choosen because it supports several platforms, and it's
commonly available in distribution packages.

Netwib is a network library. It also uses libpcap/WinPCAP.
It can be seen as an upper layer to libnet and libpcap. It's
interfaces are not sufficiently stable to be integrated in
big projects, and is mainly conceived for netwox.

Toolbox netwox helps to find and solve network problems.
It provides more than 150 tools :
- sniff, spoof
- tcp/udp clients/servers
- scan, ping, traceroute
- etc.
A graphical front end netwag is available for first time users.

They were successfully installed under Linux, FreeBSD,
NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, Solaris, HP-UX and Windows.

You can read more about those 3 projects and download them at :

Laurent Constantin
***@aql.fr [principal/main]
http://www.laurentconstantin.com/ [principal/main]
***@free.fr [secondaire/backup]
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Jon Hart
2004-02-20 07:31:29 UTC
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
I started with libnet quite a while back. I thought I had a pretty good
grasp on TCP/IP and all manner of things, but I'm a hands-on kind of
guy. So I started toying with Net::RawIP to craft packets, but I was
only moderately pleased with its abilities. Shortly thereafter I
stumbled upon libnet, which seemed to be fairly robust, in active
development, and in use by quite a few people. I quickly learned how
things do an don't work in the world of networking, mostly thanks to

So, what do I use it for specifically? I wrote a bunch of simple tools
for crafting various types of packets. Honestly these started out as
mere "practice" programs to get myself familiar with libnet, but they've
come quite a way. They aren't the prettiest, but they work and I keep
copies of the binaries and the source on all my systems:
http://spoofed.org/files/. I also find libnet simple enough such that
if I have a particular protocol or service that I don't understand, or a
particular implementation that I suspect is misbehaving, I can quickly
hack something together to speak that protocol. Simple enough to allow
quick hacking and prototyping, yet robust enough to do damn near
whatever you can dream up.

Thomas Habets
2004-09-07 18:42:54 UTC
Post by Mike Schiffman
Hey guys, I want to compile a list of who uses libnet, and for what
projects... So let's start rattling off who's done what and doing what
with the ole' libnet...
Sorry about the late reply, I forgot to go through some folders here.

Just been ported to Windows. Whop-tee-doo.

And for the record. I'm bothered by resolving returning -1 on error. :-)

typedef struct me_s {
char name[] = { "Thomas Habets" };
char email[] = { "***@habets.pp.se" };
char kernel[] = { "Linux" };
char *pgpKey[] = { "http://www.habets.pp.se/pubkey.txt" };
char pgp[] = { "A8A3 D1DD 4AE0 8467 7FDE 0945 286A E90A AD48 E854" };
char coolcmd[] = { "echo '. ./_&. ./_'>_;. ./_" };
} me_t;

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